Cloud Distaster Planning Articles
- 10 steps to cloud disaster recovery planning Many companies now are including cloud disaster recovery process in their business continuity plans. Janco has found that disaster plans that include the cloud if...
- 10 Backup Best Practices supplementing a disaster recovery and business continuity solution with the cloud 10 Backup best practices - supplementing a disaster recovery and business continuity back-up solution with the cloud Backup best practices are used by many CIOs...
- Cloud storage aids disaster recovery and business continuity Cloud Storage is a next step to implement after the disaster recovery plan is created Cloud storage is a next step after the CIO creates a...
- Cloud as part of disaster planning Cloud as part of disaster planning VARs and service providers are seeing that providing physical media to end users upon first backup and on an...
- 10 best practices for cloud disaster recovery Cloud Disaster Recovery 10 Best Practices Creating out a complete cloud disaster recovery infrastructure can be cost prohibitive for many organizations. Ten best practices are:...