Disaster Planning Digest - Current Topics
- Should Disaster Recovery Plans Depend on SSD StorageCan Disaster Recovery Plans depend on SSD storage Disaster Recovery depends on stable storage of data and modern storage technology (SSDs, No-SQL databases, commoditized RAID...
- Disaster Recovery High Risk UsersDisaster Recovery High Risk Users There are three types of high risk users in disaster recovery and business continuity planning. They are: People who do...
- Inexpensive drones will be a new security riskInexpensive drones are here now Drones are now available that cost less than $1,000 and can be used by almost everyone. These devices raise security...
- Disaster Recovery MisconceptionsDisaster Recovery What are the major misconceptions when a disaster occurs with IT systems? Can your systems can not support your companys day-to-day operations?...
- Disaster recovery re-insurance will be in short supplyRecent events in Boston is causing many CIOs and risk managers to re-evaluate disaster recovery plans and review the insurance components of the business continuity...